Connecticut 1031 DST Investments

Corcapa 1031 Advisors – 1031 DST Services in Connecticut.

Corcapa 1031 Advisors is an alternative investment company specializing in 1031 Exchange Replacement Properties in the form of Tenants in Common (TIC) and Delaware Statutory Trust (DST). Corcapa assists in 1031 exchanges in California and throughout the country.

The Corcapa 1031 Advisor Difference

Integrity, knowledge and guidance is what has earned Corcapa a quality reputation in the industry as a 1031 DST advisor serving Connecticut!

We specialize in 1031 Exchange Replacement in the form of Delaware Statutory Trust (DST) and Tenants in Common (TIC) property investments which can be used in 1031 tax-deferred exchanges in Connecticut and properties available throughout the country. Our goal is to help clients find solutions which meet their investment objectives and defer capital gains taxes.

Alabama Fractional Real Ealabama



Alabama 1031 DST Specialist

20 Years


Alabama Like Kind Exchanges



Alabama 1031 DST Investments

$2 Billion

Under Christina’s guidance since 2004, Corcapa 1031 Advisors has had clients participate in over $2 billion worth of securitized 1031 real estate investment offerings directly and indirectly as TICs and DSTs.

Connecticut 1031 Advisor Services

With over a decade of experience specializing in 1031 Exchange Replacement Property, we help clients in Connecticut and nationwide meet their investment objectives.

  • We Have Hundreds Of Successful 1031 Exchanges
  • We Provice A Free Real Estate Portfolio Analysis
  • We Provide A Free Initial Consultation and Proposal
  • We Provide Current 1031 Exchange Property Listings
  • Non Recourse Loans -- Can Close In 3 Days
  • We Have Dozens of Client Referrals

Potential Benefits of a 1031 Exchange

Whenever you sell business or investment property and you have a gain, you generally have to pay tax on the gain at the time of sale. Some, but not all, states impose state-level capital gains in addition to federal capital gains taxes.

IRC Section 1031 provides an exception and allows the you to postpone paying tax on gain if you reinvest the proceeds to a like-kind property. A properly structured 1031 Exchange allows you to defer all capital gain taxes that would typically be due. Gain deferred in a like kind exchange under IRC Section 1031 is tax-deferred, by it is not tax-free.

There are specific guidelines a person must follow when completing a 1031 Exchange to defer capital gain tax including specific time frames and the type of property that must be purchased. Contact Corcapa 1031 Advisors for more information on tax-deferred 1031 exchanges and alternative real estate investments.

Request Current 1031 DST Exchange Properties

Browse replacement property offerings for your 1031 Exchange.

Step 1 - Register


Prospective clients can register to receive current 1031 Exchange offerings.

Step 2 - Browse 1031 DST Properties

Browse Properties

Once approved, you can login anytime and view current 1031 investment properties.

Step 3 -1031 Advisor Guidance

1031 Advisor Guidance

Our qualified team will provide guidance and make recommendations based on your goals.

The 1031 Exchange Solution E-Book

Utilizing DSTs and TICs for passive, diversified, real estate investing.

Download our FREE 1031 Exchange E-book that provides valuable information on tax-deferred exchanges, 1031 Exchange guidelines and a step-by-step guide on how the 1031 Exchange process works.

1031 Exchange E-Book
1031 Exchange E-Book

The 1031 Exchange Solution E-Book

Utilizing DSTs and TICs for passive, diversified, real estate investing.

Download our FREE 1031 Exchange E-book that provides valuable information on tax-deferred exchanges, 1031 Exchange guidelines and a step-by-step guide on how the 1031 Exchange process works.

Connecticut 1031 Exchange Rules for Real Estate Investors

Did you know real estate investments in Connecticut can defer capital gains taxes by opting for a 1031 exchange rather than a conventional property sale? 1031 Exchanges not only defer capital gains taxes, but also enhance the capacity to transfer investments into higher potential revenue-generating properties. 1031 tax-deferred exchanges also add to portfolio diversification and ease estate planning procedures.

The IRS allows Connecticut investors to sell rental properties, business properties, and land that was purchased for investment purposes and defer all capital gains taxes via IRC Section 1031. This is one of the most effective tax strategies available in the tax code and can allow investors to grow wealth using continual 1031 Exchange tax deferral strategies.

With any real estate transaction, there are risks and benefits when choosing a 1031 Exchange. That is why it is important to have qualified real estate investment professional guide you through exchange process.

Learn more about 1031 Exchange rules, guidelines and FAQs in Connecticut.

1031 Exchange Rules in Connecticut

Client Testimonials

Client centered customer service, hard work and professionalism is what distinguishes us in the marketplace.

Connecticut 1031 Advisor

“I have personally completed over 400 fractional real estate transactions in excess of $400,000,000 in my 20 year career – making our firm one of the premier 1031 exchange into DSTs and TICs firms in the United States. We have clients in 27 states.”

– Christina Nielson, Corcapa 1031 Advisors President

Corcapa 1031 Advisors - Connecticut 1031 DST Properties

Want to learn more about the 1031 Exchange Process? Contact us for experienced guidance.